9th Florida State University Mote Symposium

Contributed Talks and Posters
Submit Abstract to be considered for Contributed Talk or Poster
To be considered for a contributed talk or poster at the symposium, please submit an abstract (no longer than 250 words) to Dr. Felicia Coleman (email: fcoleman@fsu.edu). The abstract, talk, and posters must address one of the key questions/themes outlined here.
Be sure to include a full title, list of authors, and contact information for every author.
Young Investigator Awards
Talks and posters by young investigators are particularly encouraged. An award will be given for the best talk and the best poster by a young investigator. Papers based on posters can also be considered for inclusion in the symposium proceedings. Submission deadline and format are the same as those for all other papers.
How to determine whether you are eligible for this award.
Guidelines for Talk
There are limited spots for contributed talks. Contributed talks are 15 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions.
Guidelines for Posters
Poster size is limited to 36 inches tall and 48 inches wide. They will be displayed on foam-core poster board mounted on easels. Note that the poster boards, easels, pins, tape, and spray adhesive will be supplied at the symposium location. If your poster requires other means of mounting, please bring the necessary supplies with you. Very few electrical outlets will be available, so if your display requires one, please let us know a week in advance of the symposium.
Poster presenter speed talks & Poster Reception – To highlight the posters, poster presenters will each give a three minute "speed talk" (powerpoint limited to three slides) about their research during the afternoon session on the first day of the Symposium. The posters serve as the centerpiece for the cocktail party that evening, providing presenters significant one-on-one interactions with the other speakers and with the Steering Committee members. Time is allotted during the day for interaction between poster authors and other participants because posters will located in the meeting room.