9th Florida State University Mote Symposium

Program for the Ninth Florida State University William R. & Lenore Mote International Symposium
Propagating TURFs into the 21st Century: The value constraints and limitations to territorial user rights in fisheries
Sunday, 11 October 2015
4:00 – 5:00 pm – Steering Committee Meeting, Lido Beach Resort, Café Lido & Tiki Bar
5:00 -- 8:00 pm -- Welcome Reception & Registration, Lido Beach Resort, Sunset Terrace
Monday, 12 October 2015
7:30-8:40 am: Registration, Mote Marine Laboratory
7:30-8:55 am: Continental breakfast at Mote Marine Laboratory
9:00-9:10 am: Felicia C. Coleman, Florida State University, Welcome and Announcements
9:10-9:15 am: Michael P. Crosby, President and CEO, Mote Marine Laboratory
I. An introduction and overture:
♦ 9:15-9:30 am: Robert Steneck - How we got here.
II. Case studies –lessons from Chile and beyond (Session Chair – Juan Carlos Castilla)
♦ 9:30-10:15 am: Joshua Cinner Insights from co-management: what works and what doesn’t in co-managing coral reefs.
10:15-10:30 am: Coffee Break
♦ 10:30-11:00 am: Robert Steneck*, Ana Parma, Billy Ernst, and Jim Wilson. Two Lobster Tales: Lessons from the convergent evolution of TURFs in Maine (US) and Juan Fernández (Chile)
◊ 11:00-11:15 am (YI): Antonella Rivera*, Stefan Gelcich, Lucía García-Flórez, and José Luis Acuña. Title - Sustainability of the gooseneck barnacle TURF system in Asturias: trends, drivers and basic principles.
♦ 11:15-11:45 am. Shankar Aswani. Title: Geospatial analyses for understanding the dynamics of customary management systems in Melanesia
11:45-1:30 pm: Lunch
III. Integrating customary right with formal TURFs
♦ 1:30-2:00 pm: Juan Carlos Castilla, Joshua Cinner, C. Josh Donlan, and Stefan Gelcich* - Emerging needs to consolidate a national coastal TURFs system: Lesson after two decades in Chile
◊ 2:00-2:15 pm (YI): Becky Twohey Wright, Benjamin S. Halpern, Matthew Burgess, Carissa Joy Klein, & Steve Gaines. Title - The Equity Landscape
◊ 2:15-2:30 pm (YI) Francisco J. Fernandez-Rivera Melo, Maria Jose Espinosa-Romero, Mario Rojo, Gaspar Soria, & Jorge Torre. Title - Innovating management of bivalve fisheries in Mexico
◊ 2:30-2:45 pm: Roquelito Mancao, J. Guirjen, & E. Litsinger. Title – Scaling TURFS and reserves in the Philippines.
◊ 2:45-3:00 pm: Guilherme F. Dutra, Marine L. M. Nunes, Eduardo F. Amargo, and Danieli M. Nobre. Title - From TURF to Market: a value-aggregating mechanism for fish products from traditional communities
◊ 3:00-3:15 pm (YI): Rosana Ouréns, Inés Naya, Gonzalo Macho, Inmaculada Alvarez, Noela Sánchez-Carnero, María José Juan-Jordá, Juan Freire. Title - When governance is unable of adapting to social change: Why and how to innovate in the management of Galician TURFs
3:15-3:30 pm: Coffee Break
IV. Poster Session Speed Talks
• 3:50-3:53pm: A. Moreno, C. Revenga, F. Ghersi, and M. Caillaux. Title - Lessons learned from the Chilean TURF system: recommendations for the implementation of a TURF framework in countries with informal or inexistent territorial use rights
• 3:53-3:56 pm: Janelle Mueller, H. Fox, G. McDonald, A. Arrivillaga, M. Clemence, Darmawan, R. Fujita, Kevin Green, R. Jakub, K. Karr, J. Kritzer, S. Lester, R. Mancao, E. Marone, S. Poon, P.“Jong” Rojas, B. Vilela. Title - “Fish Forever”: How many, for how long? Measuring conservation and social results across five countries in a global small-scale fisheries initiative
• 3:56-3:59 pm: J. Struve, K. Lorenzen, and J. Dutka-Gianelli. Title - Assessing the scope for local management regulations in fisheries for widely distributed coastal stocks with limited dispersal: the case of the Florida snook fishery
• 3:59-4:02 (YI): Kristine Beran*, Karen Kent, Dawda Saine, and Elin Torell - Territorial User Rights in The Gambia: Successful enabling conditions and stakeholder empowerment in the artisanal sole fishery
• 4:02-4:05 pm (YI): Elisabeth Maxwell and Teresa R. Johnson - Propagating TURFs through partnerships: Lessons from Maine’s co-managed soft-shell clam fishery
• 4:06-4:09 pm: Alejandro Arrivillaga, Ulises Mendez, Tjerk van Rooij, Pablo Granados, Nakul Saran. Title - Community-based Pride campaigns for marine fisheries sustainability in Latin America: a prelude to Fish Forever elements of success
• 4:09-4:12 pm (YI): J. Dutka-Gianelli, C. C. Crandall1 E. Staugler2 J. Hazell, J. Struve1, K. Leber3 and K. Lorenzen. Title - Fisheries Forums: Engaging Florida Coastal Communities in Exploring Place-Based Cooperative Governance.
• 4:12-4:15 pm: L.P. Osman, R.G. Assef, and C. Molinet. Title - The case study of the Valdivian Seascape Project.
4:15–5:15 Round-Table Discussion
6:00-8:00 pm: Poster Reception
Program of Events
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
8:00-9:00 am: Continental Breakfast at Mote Marine Laboratory
V. Community-based management: equity and social justice (Session Chair: Hilborn)
♦ 9:00-9:30 am: Bonnie J. McCay (Rutgers University) - Values and opportunities created through territorial use rights in fisheries.
♦ 9:30-10:00 am: Hirotsugu Uchida (University of Rhode Island) - TURFs and Collective Fishery Management: Theory and Case Studies
10:00-10:30 am: Coffee Break
♦ 10:30-11:00 am: Stefan Gelcich*, Rodrigo Estevez, Alejandra Pinto, Gabriel Jerez, Lorena Burotto, Nicole Maturana, Monica Catrilao, and Juan Carlos Castilla. Gaps and opportunities to include local knowledge in management and conservation insights from Chilean small-scale fisheries.
◊ 11:00-11:15 am: Sarah Poon*, Dan Ovando, and Chris Costello. Opportunities and precautions for pairing spatial and quota-based fishing rights
◊ 11:15-11:30 am (YI): Christine M. Beitl*. Benefits and Tradeoffs of Ecuador’s Community Mangrove Concessions and Implications for Mangrove-Associated Fisheries
◊ 11:30-11:45 am (YI): Elodie Le Cornu*, E. M. Finkbeiner2, S. Rahimi, R. Martone, A. L. Ayers, J. N. Kittinger, S. Gelcich, N. Ban, C. Hicks, F. Micheli, X. Basurto, J. Cinner, E. Allison, R. Gruby, L.Crowder. Implementing property rights-based management in small-scale fisheries: key enabling conditions to achieve social, economic and ecological outcomes.
11:45-1:30 pm: Lunch
◊ 1:30-1:45 pm: Frank Alcock* and Evann Soltys-Gilbert. A comparative analysis of TURFs in Mexico and Chile
♦ 1:45-2:15 pm: Rod Fujita, Lawrence Epstein, and Jessica Landman. Scaling TURFS in Belize
2:30-2:50 pm: Coffee Break
♦ 2:50-3:20 pm: Jim Wilson*. (BY SKYPE) Scaling up TURFS: Feedback, incentives &boundaries in a complex system
◊ 3:20-3:35 pm (YI): Rodrigo Oyanedel, J. Humberstone, K. J. Moyer, S. Rodriguez Van Dyck, K. Shattenkirk, S. Poon*, G. McDonald, M. Clemence, E. Cunningham. Title - Community-based tool for designing TURF-reserves in data-limited small-scale fisheries
◊ 3:35-3:50 pm (YI): Carla Guenther, Robin Alden*, Ted Ames, Jim Wilson, and Bob Steneck. Title: Scaling up and incorporating TURFS in an ecosystem-based pilot in eastern Maine.
3:50- 4:50 pm: Round-table Discussion (Stefan Gelcich)
6:00-7:00 pm: TURF Symposium Happy Hour – Lido Beach Resort, Pre-function Area, 8th Floor. Sponsored by Fish Forever (EDF, RARE, Sustainable Fisheries Group, University of California, Santa Barbara)
7:15- 10:00 pm: Pizza, Leftovers, and Beer - Graduate Students and anyone who has ever been one. Lido Hotel
Program of Events
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
8:00-9:00 am: Continental Breakfast at Mote Marine Laboratory
VI. The Science Behind TURFS: Working towards a new synthesis
♦9:00-9:30 am: Sarah E. Lester*, Gavin McDonald, Michaela Clemence, Cody S. Szuwalski, Dawn T. Dougherty. Title - Designing TURFs to better align fisheries and conservation goals
◊9:30-9:45 am: - Alexis Nakandakari*, Matias Caillaux, José Zavala, and Stefan Gelcich, Universidad Católica de Chile. Local and traditional governance of coastal fisheries in Peru
◊9:45-10:00 am (YI): Eréndira Aceves-Bueno*, Jorge Cornejo-Donoso, Steve J. Miller, and Steven D. Gaines – Title: Are Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries Sufficiently Large?
10:00-10:30 am: Coffee Break
♦ 10:30-11:00 am: Peter Auster* and James Lindholm. Title: The habitat connection: ecological considerations for linking management to user rights in temperate region mixed-gear fisheries
◊ 11:00-11:15 am (YI): Ruleo A Camacho and Robert S Steneck - Antigua’s community-based no-take reserves: Developing a bottom-up TURF for coral reef ecosystems
◊ 11:15-11:30 am (YI): Carla Guenther, Robin Alden, Ted Ames, Jim Wilson, and Bob Steneck. Title: Scaling up and incorporating TURFS in an ecosystem-based pilot in eastern Maine.
◊ 11:30-11:45 am: A. Moreno, L. Bourillón, M. Vélez, and S. Fulton. Title - Fostering fisheries management efficiency through collaboration networks: the case of the Kanan Kay Alliance
11:45 am-1:30 pm: Lunch
VII. Synthesizing novel contributions, developing guiding principles, and revealing the strengths and limitations of propagating TURFs: a facilitated panel discussion (Rod Fujita, facilitator)
1:30-3:15 pm: Open Forum – Invited Speakers with input from entire audience
3:15-3:35 pm: Coffee Break
3:35-3:50 pm: Open Forum – Invited Speakers with input from entire audience
5:00-5:15 pm: Rod Fujita, Symposium wrap up.
6:30-10:00 pm: Reception at Mote Marine Lab, Presentation of Young Investigator Awards. Symposium concludes
♦ invited talk; ◊ contributed talk; • rapid poster presentation; * presenting author, YI Young Investigator