Apalachee Bay Sessile Macroinvertebrates

Past the sea grass beds and oyster reefs fringing the shores of Apalachee Bay, one can look towards the Gulf of Mexico and see large expanses of open water. Beneath these waters are not desolate fields of sand, but rather numerous outcroppings of hardbottom reefs and ledges covered with a colorful and diverse array of plants and animals. These habitats, much like the sea grass beds and oyster reefs, provide shelter and food for a myriad of ecologically and economically important species. Click on the links in the sidebar to get a glimpse into the hardbottom reef habitats found in Apalachee Bay and just a few of the sessile macroinvertebrate animals which make these wonderful reefs their home.

Last Updated: Monday, January 27, 2020 at 4:19 PM