Dr. Mark Hay (Georgia Institute of Technology) Joins the FSUCML Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Mark E. Hay (Professor and Teasley Chair in Environmental Biology) from Georgia Institute of Technology has agreed to serve on the FSUCML Scientific Advisory Board.

Mark is an ecologist with considerable experience in food web dynamics across spatial scales that include terrestrial, freshwater, and marine systems, and across taxa from plankton to algae, from herbivores to apex predators. He has made significant contributions in the field of marine biology through discoveries that have influenced scientists around the world. He pioneered the establishment of a field of research known as marine chemical ecology and he recently expanded his research to include projects on interactions in plankton in freshwater systems and on the ecology of invasive species.

He recently (March 2011) received the Class of 1934 Distinguished Professor Award for outstanding achievement in teaching, research, and service. This is the highest honor awarded by Georgia Tech to its professors. The year before, he was honored at the University of Kentucky as a distinguished alumni for his contributions to marine ecology.

Dr. Hay joins other members of the FSUCML SAB, all extraordinary scientists, including Dr. Robert Paine (Professor Emeritus, University of Washington) who conducted pioneering work on keystone species and community structure, Dr. Mary Power (University of California, Berkeley) a prominent watershed and food web ecologist, and Dr. Mark Mangel (University of California, Santa Cruz) an outstanding biomathematician.