Science Advisory Board Members
The purpose of the ABSI Science Advisory Board is to provide objective advice to the ABSI Leadership -- Sandra Brooke (PI) and Joel Trexler (Co-PI) -- and to the Community Advisory Board (CAB), a group composed of stakeholders who will develop consensus on science-informed recommendations for the Apalachicola Bay system management and restoration plan. The role of the Science Advisory Board members is to share perspectives on research and technologies proposed for ABSI, on how best to fill gaps in our understanding of the Apalachicola Bay system, and to take stock of related research and restoration efforts in the region.

The Nature Conservancy
Ms. Geselbracht’s areas of expertise include resilience & restoration of coastal ecosystems affected by sea level rise, habitat destruction, & other stressors evaluated by ecological risk and restored through proper design, implementation, and monitoring.

United States Geological Survey
Dr. La Peyre's core research areas focus on shellfish (oyster) metabolism, population dynamics, oyster reef restoration and ecosystem service provision, and dynamics of estuarine submerged aquatic vegetation.

Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Dr. Mann conducts research on the physiological & population ecology of marine invertebrates; larval dispersal and settlement processes in estuarine and shallow water systems; and ecological restoration of oyster reef communities.

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Dr. North's expertise lies in fisheries oceanography with an emphasis on finish and shellfish in estuaries. Her most recent work revolves around growth and mortality of adult eastern oysters.