
  • Bueno, J., Lester, SE, Breithaupt JL, and Brooke, S. The application of unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) for monitoring intertidal oyster density and abundance (2024). Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
  • Steinmuller, HE, Breithaupt, JL, Rovai, AS, Engelbert, KE, Smoak, JM, Chambers LG, Radabaugh, KR, Moyer, RP, Chappel, A, Vaugh, DR, Bianchi, TS, Twilley, RR, Pagliosa, P, Cifuentes-Jara, M, and Torres, D (2024). Using loss-on-ignition to estimate total nitrogen content of mangrove soils (2024). Geoderma, 448.
  • Assavapanuvat, P, Breithaupt, JL, +Engelbert, KM, Schröder, C, Smoak, JM, and Bianchi, TS. Contrasting stocks and origins of particulate and mineral-associated soil organic carbon in a mangrove-salt marsh ecotone (2024). Geoderma, 446.
  • Breithaupt, JL, Steinmuller, HE, Rovai, AS, +Engelbert, KE, Smoak, JM, Chambers LG, Radabaugh, KR, Moyer, RP, Chappel, A, Vaugh, DR, Bianchi, TS, Twilley, RR, Pagliosa, P, Cifuentes-Jara, M, and Torres, D (2023). An improved framework for estimating organic carbon content of mangrove soils using loss-on-ignition and coastal environmental setting.
  • Radabaugh, KR, Moyer, RP, Chappel, AR, Breithaupt, JL, Lagomasino, D, Dontis, EE, Russo, CE, Rosenheim, BE, Chambers, LG, Peneva-Reed, EI, and Smoak, JM (2023). A spatial model comparing above- and belowground blue carbon stocks in Southwest Florida mangroves and salt marshes.
  • *Steinmuller, H., Bourque, E., Lucas, S., +Engelbert, K., Garwood, J., & Breithaupt, J. (2022). Comparing Vertical Change in Riverine, Bayside, and Barrier Island Wetland Soils in Response to Acute and Chronic Disturbance in Apalachicola Bay, FL. Estuaries and Coasts.  
  • Breithaupt, J., & *Steinmuller, H. (2022). Refining the Global Estimate of Mangrove Carbon Burial Rates Using Sedimentary and Geomorphic Settings. Geophysical Research Letters.
  • Steinmuller, H.E., Breithaupt, JL, Engelbert, KE, Assavapanuvat, P, and Bianchi TS (2022). Coastal wetland soil carbon storage at mangrove range limits in Apalachicola Bay, FL: Observations and expectations. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.
  • Oberle, B., J.L. Breithaupt, A. M. McTigue, R. Stryker, M. Cladas, C. Bass, M. Leahy, M. Nell, D. F. Young (2021). Restoration objectives create surface carbon cycle tradeoffs in coastal habitats. Restoration Ecology,
  • Breithaupt, J.L., Smoak, J.M., Bianchi, T.S., Vaughn, D., Sanders, C.J., Radabaugh, K.R., Osland, M.J., Feher, L.C., Lynch, J.C., Cahoon, D.R., Anderson, G.H., Whelan, K.R.T., Rosenheim, B.E., Moyer, R.P., and Chambers, L.G (2021). Reply to Comment by R. Parkinson on " Increasing Rates of Carbon Burial in Southwest Florida Coastal Wetlands" by J. Breithaupt et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,
  • Segovia, A.P., W. Machado, D. Gutierrez, J. Smoak, J.L. Breithaupt, M. Saldarriaga, L. Sanders, H. Marotta, & C.J. Sanders (2020). Carbon and nutrient accumulation in mangrove sediments affected by multiple environmental changes. Journal of Soils and Sediments.
  • Breithaupt, J.L., Smoak, J.M., Bianchi, T.S., Vaughn, D., Sanders, C.J., Radabaugh, K.R., Osland, M.J., Feher, L.C., Lynch, J.C., Cahoon, D.R., Anderson, G.H., Whelan, K.R.T., Rosenheim, B.E., Moyer, R.P., and Chambers, L.G. (2020). Increasing rates of carbon burial in southwest Florida coastal wetlands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, e2019JG005349.
  • Tiffany Troxler, Starr, G., Boyer, J.N., Fuentes, J.D., Jaffe, R. with Malone, S., Barr., J., Davis III, S.E., Collado-Vides, L., Breithaupt, J., Saha, A., Chambers, R., Madden, C., Smoak, J.M., Fourqurean, J., Koch, G.R., Kominoski, J., Scinto, L., Oberbauer, S., Rivera-Monroy, V., Castaneda-Moya, E., Schulte, N., Charles, S., Richards, J., Rudnick, D., and Whelan, K. (2019). “Carbon Cyles in the Florida Coastal Everglades Social-Ecological System” in Childers, D.L., Gaiser, E.E., and Ogden, L.A., eds. 2019. The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape. Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Breithaupt, J.L., E. Duga, M. Witt, R. Filyaw, N. Friedland, M.J. Donnelly, L.J. Walters, & L.G. Chambers. Carbon and nutrient fluxes from seagrass and mangrove wrack are mediated by soil interactions. (2019). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
  • Tiling-Range, G., Smith III, T.J., Foster, A.M., Smoak, J.M, & J.L. Breithaupt. (2019). Utilizing Fossilized Charcoal to Augment the Everglades National Park Fire History Geodatabase. Journal of Environmental Management, 249 (1).
  • Breithaupt, J.L., N. Hurst, H.E. Steinmuller, E. Duga, J.M. Smoak, J. Kominoski, and L.G. Chambers. Comparing the Biogeochemistry of Storm Surge Sediments and Pre-Storm Soils in Coastal Wetlands: Hurricane Irma and the Florida Everglades. (2019). Estuaries & Coasts, 1-14.
  • Chambers, L.G., H.E. Steinmuller, & J.L. Breithaupt. (2019). Toward a mechanistic understanding of “peat collapse” and its potential contribution to coastal wetland loss. Ecology, eo2720.
  • Breithaupt, J.L., Smoak, J.M., Sanders, C.J. & Troxler, T.G (2019). Spatial variability of organic carbon, CaCO3 and nutrient burial rates spanning a mangrove productivity gradient in the coastal Everglades. Ecosystems,     
  • Melanie Parker, M, Encomio, V., Beal, J., Klarmann, P.A., Dark, E., Breithaupt, J. and Radabaugh, K.R. (2019). ‘Central Eastern Florida’ in Radabaugh KR, Moyer RP, and Geiger SP, eds. 2019. Oyster integrated mapping and monitoring program report for the state of Florida. St. Petersburg, FL: Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. FWRI Technical Report 22.
  • Holmquist, JR, Windham-Myers, L, Bliss, N, Crooks, S, Morris, J, Megonigal, JP, Troxler, T, Weller, D, Callaway, J, Drexler, J, Ferner, MC, Gonneea, M, Kroeger, K, Schile-Beers, L, Woo, I, Buffington, K, Breithaupt, JL, Boyd, BM, Brown, LN, Dix, N, Hice, L, Horton, B, MacDonald, GM, Moyer, RP, Reay, W, Shaw, T, Smith, E, Smoak, JM, Sommerfield, C, Thorne, K, Velinsky, D, Watson, E, Grimes, KW, and Woodrey, M (2018). Accuracy and Precision of Tidal Wetlands Soil Carbon Mapping in the Coterminous United States. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 9478.
  • Breithaupt, J.L., Smoak, J. M., Byrne, R. H., Waters, M. N., Moyer, R. P., & Sanders, C. J. (2018). Avoiding timescale bias in assessments of coastal wetland vertical change. Limnology and Oceanography, 63(S1), S477-S495.
  • Osland, Michael; Griffith, Kereen; Larriviere, Jack; Feher, Laura; Cahoon, Don; Enwright, Nicholas; Oster, David; Tirpak, John; Woodrey, Mark; Collini, Renee; Baustian, Joseph; Breithaupt, Joshua; Cormier, Nicole; Coronado-Molina, Carlos; Donoghue, Joseph; Graham, Sean; Harper, Jennifer; Hester, Mark; Howard, Rebecca; Krauss, Ken; Kroes, Daniel; Lane, Robert; McKee, Karen; Mendelssohn, Irving; Middleton, Beth; Moon, Jena; Piazza, Sarai; Rankin, Nicole; Sklar, Fred; Steyer, Greg; Swanson, Kathleen; Swarzenski, Christopher; Vervaeke, William; Willis, Jonathan; Wilson, K. (2017). Assessing coastal wetland vulnerability to sea-level rise along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast: Gaps and opportunities for developing a coordinated regional sampling network. PloS One 12, 9.
  • Breithaupt, J.L., Smoak, J.M., Rivera-Monroy, V.H., Castañeda-Moya, E., Moyer, R.P., Simard, M., & Sanders, C.J. (2017). Partitioning the relative contributions of organic matter and mineral sediment to accretion rates in carbonate platform mangrove soils. Marine Geology, 390: 170-180, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2017.07.002.
  • Sanders, C., I. Santos, D. Maher, J.L. Breithaupt, J.M. Smoak, M. Ketterer, M. Call, & B.D. Eyre (2015). Examining 239+ 240 Pu, 210 Pb and historical events to determine carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus burial in mangrove sediments of Moreton Bay, Australia, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 1–7, doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2015.04.018.
  • Breithaupt, J.L., J.M. Smoak, T. J. Smith III, and C. J. Sanders (2014), Temporal variability of carbon and nutrient burial, sediment accretion, and mass accumulation over the past century in a carbonate platform mangrove forest of the Florida Everglades, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JG002715.
  • Sanders, C.J., Eyre, B.D., Santos, I.R., Machado,W., Luiz-Silva, W., Smoak,J.M., Breithaupt, J.L.,  Ketterer, M.E., Sanders, L., Marotta, H., Silva-Filho.,E. (2014). Elevated rates of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus burial in a highly impacted mangrove wetland. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL059789.
  • Smoak, J.M, J.L. Breithaupt, T.J. Smith III, and C.J. Sanders (2013). Sediment accretion and organic carbon burial relative to sea-level rise and storm events in two mangrove forests in Everglades National Park, CATENA, 104, 58–66.
  • Breithaupt, J.L., J.M. Smoak, T.J. Smith III, C.J. Sanders, and A. Hoare (2012), Organic carbon burial rates in mangrove sediments: Strengthening the global budget, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26, GB3011, doi:10.1029/2012GB004375.