The FSUCML offers vehicles for reservation. You can reserve these vehicles to aid in pulling boats to research sites, attend meetings across the state, and more. FSUCML vehicles may only be rented by FSUCML staff, faculty and graduate students. Questions? Contact fscuml-reservations@fsu.edu or (850) 645 – 3474.

Toyota Tacoma 4-Door
Tag #YF550

Toyota Tacoma 4-Door
Tag #YD933
*Light Duty Towing Only - Sea Oats, Carolina Skiff, Kayaks

Ford F-250 4-Door
Tag #YR472

Ford F-250, 4-Door
Tag #YT973

GMC Sierra 4-Door
Tag #YD907

Toyota Camry 4-Door
Tag #YF844

Chevrolet Shuttle Van, 15 passenger
Tag #40606
Last Updated: Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 11:44 AM