FSUCML in the News

Don't blame sharks for Asian Internet problems, experts say (IT World)

Internet connections in the South East Asian nation have been affected by problems with the Asia America Gateway (AAG) submarine cable system for the fourth time in a year, according to local news outlets. The cause of the outages? Sharks, if you believe some online reports. Howver, "Most deep-sea sharks have relatively weakly calcified jaws so their bite force is quite low", says Dr. Dean Grubbs, FSUCML.

Scientists Help Students Tackle the Hard Stuff (Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative)

More than 660 graduate students are members of GoMRI-funded research teams working to understand impacts from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and improve future response. Eric Chassignet, director of the Deep-C consortium led by Florida State University, said that one of the most exciting aspects of receiving GoMRI support has been the opportunity to mentor students and involve them in cutting-edge Gulf research. He added, “They are going to be the next generation of scientists, the movers and shakers ten years from now.” With that in mind, Deep-C decided to give students their own “prime time” conference experience.

Field Stations and Marine Labs Urged to Adapt to Changing Economies and Technologies (Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union)

After all, field stations play critical –indeed, vital -- roles in advancing physical, natural, and social science endeavors, particularly in addressing global change -- change that poses considerable threat to ecosystems, economies, and human well being. Even so, for field stations to thrive in the 21st century and beyond, they must individually develop viable business plans that highlight their greatest strengths, and collectively develop metrics that measure their performance and impact. This represents a fundamental change in perspective.