Journal Articles - Peer-reviewed
(*Graduate student as lead author)
*Hamilton, B.R., O.N. Shipley, R.D. Grubbs. In press. Multi-channel feeding by migratory sharks in a fluvial-dominated estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
*McClain M.A., N. Hammerschlag, A.J. Gallagher, J.M. Drymon, R.D. Grubbs, T.L. Guttridge, M.J. Smukall, B.S. Frazier, T.S. Daly-Engel In press. Age-Dependent Dispersal and Relatedness in Tiger Sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier). Front. Mar. Sci. 9:900107. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.900107
*Dawdy, A.M., C.T. Peterson, B.A., Keller, R.D. Grubbs. 2022. Tidal and diel effects on the movement and space use of bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) and bonnetheads (Sphyrna tiburo) in a Florida Estuary. Environmental Biology of Fishes, pp.1-15.
*Hamilton, B.R., C.T. Peterson, A. Dawdy, R.D. Grubbs. 2022. Community structure of fishes in a fluvial-dominated estuary: the impact of environmental variables on species-habitat relationships along a gradient of river influence. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 688: 63-88
*Graham, J., A.M. Kroetz, G.R. Poulakis, R.M. Scharer, J.K. Carlson, S. Lowerre-Barbieri, D. Morley, E.A. Reyier, R.D. Grubbs. 2022. Assessing Commercial fishery bycatch risk for large juvenile and adult smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) in Florida waters using observer and telemetry data. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2022: 1-16
*Woodyard, M., B.A. Polidoro, C.W. Matson, R.A. McManamay, S. Saul, K.E. Carpenter, T.K. Collier, R. Di Giulio, R.D. Grubbs, C. Linardich, J.A. Moore. 2022. A comprehensive petrochemical vulnerability index for marine fishes in the Gulf of Mexico. Science of The Total Environment, 820: p.152892.
Lowerre‐Barbieri, S.K., C. Friess, L.P. Griffin, D. Morley, G.B. Skomal, J.W. Bickford, N. Hammerschlag, M.J. Rider, M.J. Smukall, M.P. van Zinnicq Bergmann, T.L. Guttridge, A.m. Kroetz, R.D. Grubbs, C.L. Gervasi, J.S. Rehage, G.R. Poulakis, K. Bassos-Hull, J.M. Gardiner, G.A. Casselberry, J. Young, M. Perkinson, D.L. Abercrombie, D.T. Addis, B.A. Block, A. Acosta, A.J. Adams, A.J. Danylchuk, S.J. Cooke, F.G. Whoriskey, J.W. Brownscombe. 2021. Movescapes and eco‐evolutionary movement strategies in marine fish: Assessing a connectivity hotspot. Fish and Fisheries, 22(6), pp.1321-1344.
Postaire, B.D., K.A. Feldheim, G.M. Clementi, J. Quinlan, M.P.M. van Zinnicq Bergmann, E.J. Brooks, R.D. Grubbs, T.L. Guttridge, A.C. Henderson, R. Tavares, D.D. Chapman, D.D. 2021. Small localized breeding populations in a widely distributed coastal shark species. Conservation Genetics 23(1): 51-61.
*Barker, A.M., B.S. Frazier, D.H. Adams, C.N. Bedore, C.N. Belcher, W.B. Driggers III, A.S. Galloway, J. Gelsleichter, R.D. Grubbs, E.A. Reyier, D.S. Portnoy. 2021. Distribution and relative abundance of scalloped (Sphyrna lewini) and Carolina (S. gilberti) hammerheads in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Fisheries Research, 242, p.106039.
*Keller, B.A., N.F. Putman, R.D. Grubbs, D.S. Portnoy, T. Murphy. 2021. Map-like use of earth’s magnetic field in sharks. Current Biology 31: 2881-2886.e3
Friess, C, S.K. Lowerre-Barbieri, G.R. Poulakis, N. Hammerschlag, J.M. Gardiner, A.M. Kroetz, K. Bassos-Hull, J. Bickford, E.C. Bohaboy, R.D. Ellis, H. Menendez, W.F. Patterson III, M.E. Price, J.S. Rehage, C.P. Shea, M.J. Smukall, S.W. Burnsed, K.A. Wilkinson, J. Young, A.B. Collins, B.C. DeGroot, C.T. Peterson, C. Purtlebaugh, M. Randall, R.M. Scharer, R.W. Schloesser, T.R. Wiley, G.A. Alvarez, A.J. Danylchuk, A.G. Fox, R.D. Grubbs, A. Hill, J.V. Locascio, P.M. O’Donnell, G.B. Skomal, F.G. Whoriskey, L.P. Griffin. 2021. Regional-scale variability in the movement ecology of marine fishes revealed by an integrative acoustic tracking network. Marine Ecology Progress Series 663:157-177
*Prohaska, B.K., B.S. Talwar, R.D. Grubbs. 2021. Blood biochemical status of deep-sea sharks following longline capture in the Gulf of Mexico. Conservation Physiology 9(1), p.coaa113
*Graham, J, A.M. Kroetz, G.R. Poulakis, R.M. Scharer, J.K. Carlson, S. Lowerre-Barbieri, D. Morley, E.A. Reyier, R.D. Grubbs. 2021. Large-scale space use of large juvenile and adult smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata: implications for management. Endangered Species Research 44:45-59.
Adams, A.J., J.P. Lewis, A.M. Kroetz, R.D. Grubbs. 2021. Bonefish (Albula vulpes) home range to spawning site linkages support a marine protected area designation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2021: 1-8
Polidoro, B., C.W. Matson, M.A. Ottinger, D.A. Renegar, I.C. Romero, D. Schlenk, J.P. Wise Sr., J.B. González, P. Bruns, K. Carpenter, D.C. Rojas, T.K. Collier, T.F. Duda Jr., P. González-Díaz, R. Di Giulio, R.D. Grubbs, J.C. Haney, J.P. Incardona, G. Horta-Puga, C. Linardich,.J.A. Moore, D. Pech, S.P. Valderrama, G.M. Ralph, K. Strongin,.A.H. Ringwood, B. Würsig. 2021. A multi-taxonomic framework for assessing relative petrochemical vulnerability of marine biodiversity in the Gulf of Mexico. Science of The Total Environment 763: p.142986.
*Peterson, C.T., R.D. Grubbs, Mickle, A. 2020. Trophic ecology of elasmobranch and teleost fishes in a large subtropical seagrass ecosystem (Florida Big Bend) determined by stable isotope analysis. Environmental Biology of Fishes 103: 683-701
*Larsen, M.E., D.C. Abel, D.P. Crane, R.D. Grubbs. 2020. Differences in Relative Heart Mass Among Deep-sea and Coastal Sharks with Increasing Depth. Marine Biology 167(11): 1-8
*Talwar, B., I.A. Bouyoucos, E.J. Brooks, J.W. Brownscombe, C.D. Suski, S.J. Cooke, R.D. Grubbs, J.W. Mandelman. 2020. Variation in behavioural responses of sub-tropical marine fishes to experimental longline capture. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 77: 2763-2775. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsaa146
Auster, P.J., Cantwell, K., Grubbs, R.D. & Hoy, S. 2020. Observations of deep-sea sharks and associated species at a large food fall on the continental margin off South Carolina, USA (NW Atlantic). Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 35: 48–53.
*Peterson, C.T., R.D. Grubbs. 2020. Distribution and abundance of elasmobranchs and large teleost fishes in a subtropical seagrass ecosystem: community structure along environmental and spatial gradients. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 103: 319-338
Shiffman, D.S., Ajemian, M.J., Carrier, J.C., Daly-Engel, T.S., Davis, M.M., Dulvy, N.K., Grubbs, R.D., Hinojosa, N.A., Imhoff, J., Kolmann, M.A., Nash, C.S., Paig-Tran, E.W.M, Peele, E.E., Skubel, R.A., Wetherbee, B.M., Whitenack, L.B., Wyffels, J.T. 2020. Trends in Chondrichthyan Research: An Analysis of Three Decades of Conference Abstracts. Copeia, 108(1), pp.122-131.
*Barker, A.M., B.S. Frazier, J. Gelsleichter, R.D. Grubbs, C.M. Hollenbeck, D.S. Portnoy. 2019. High rates of genetic polyandry in the Blacknose Shark, Carcharhinus acronotus. Copeia 107(3):502-508
*Larsen, M.E., D.C. Abel, D.P. Crane, S.L. Parker, P.H. Yancey, B.A. Keller, R.D. Grubbs. 2019. Unique Osmoregulatory Morphology in Primitive Sharks: An Intermediate State Between Holocephalan and Derived Shark Secretory Morphology. J. of Fish Biology
Moore, A.B.M., R.D. Grubbs. 2019. Shark and ray conservation research: Absent where the need is greatest. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshwater Ecosyst. 2019:1–1.
*Dimens, P.V., S. Willis, R.D. Grubbs, D.S. Portnoy. 2019. A genomic assessment of movement and gene flow around the South Florida vicariance zone in the migratory coastal blacknose shark, Carcharhinus acronotus. Marine Biology 166:86.
Bond, M.E., Valentin-Albanese, J., Babcock, E.A., Heithaus, M.R., Grubbs, R.D., Cerrato, R., Peterson, B.J., Pikitch, E.K. and Chapman, D.D., 2019. Top predators induce habitat shifts in prey within marine protected areas. Oecologia, 190(2), pp.375-385.
Poulakis, G.R., R.D. Grubbs. 2019. Biology and ecology of sawfishes: status of research and future outlook. Endangered Species Research 39: 77-90
Brame, A.B., T.R. Wiley, J.K. Carlson, S.V. Fordham, R.D. Grubbs, J. Osborne, R.M. Scharer, D.M. Bethea, G.R. Poulakis. 2019. Review of the biology, ecology, and status of the smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata in the United States, Endangered Species Research 39: 9-23
Perrot, V, W.M. Landing, R.D. Grubbs, V.J.M. Salters. 2019. Mercury bioaccumulation in tilefish from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico 2 years after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Insights from Hg, C, N and S stable isotopes, Science of the Total Environment 666: 828-838.
Hollensead, L.D., R.D. Grubbs, J.K. Carlson, D.M. Bethea. 2018. Assessing residency time and habitat use of juvenile Pristis pectinata using acoustic monitoring in a nursery habitat. Endangered Species Research 37: 119–131
Daly-Engel, T. S., A. Koch, J.M. Anderson, C.F. Cotton, R.D. Grubbs. 2018. Description of a new deep-water dogfish shark from Hawaii, with comments on the Squalus mitsukurii species complex in the West Pacific. ZooKeys, (798), 135.
*Bachman, B.A., R.T. Kraus, C.T. Peterson, R.D. Grubbs, E.C. Peters. 2018. Growth and reproduction of Echeneis naucrates (L. 1758) from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Fish Biology 93:755–758. 10.1111/jfb.13790
*Pfleger, M., R.D. Grubbs, C.F. Cotton, T.S. Daly-Engel. 2018. Squalus clarkae, sp. nov., a new dogfish shark from the northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, with comments on the S. mitsukurii species complex. Zootaxa 4444 (2): 101–119
*Prohaska, B.K., D.M. Bethea, G.R. Poulakis, R.M. Scharer, R. Knotek, J.K. Carlson, R.D. Grubbs. 2018. Physiological stress in juvenile and adult smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata in response to habitat quality and capture method. Endangered Species Research 36: 121–135
Daly-Engel, T.S., I.E. Baremore, R.D. Grubbs, S.J.B. Gulak, M.P. Enzenauer, R.T. Graham. 2018. Resurrection of the bigeye sixgill shark Hexanchus vitulus (Hexanchiformes, Hexanchidae), with comments on its distribution in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Mar Biodiv.
*Kolmann, M.A., R.D. Grubbs, D.R. Huber, R. Fisher, N.R. Lovejoy, G.M. Erickson. 2018. Intraspecific variation in feeding mechanics and bite force in durophagous stingrays. J Zool. doi:10.1111/jzo.12530
- Talwar, B., E.J. Brooks, J.W. Mandelman, R.D. Grubbs. 2017. Stress, post-release mortality, and recovery of commonly discarded deep-sea sharks caught on longlines. Marine Ecol. Prog. Series 582: 147-161
- Walter, R.P., D. Roy, N.E. Hussey, B. Stelbrink, K.M. Kovacs, C. Lydersen, B.C. McMeans, J. Svavarsson, S.T. Kessel, S.B. Porsmoguer, S. Wildes, C. Tribuzio, S.E. Campana, S. Petersen, R.D. Grubbs, D.D. Heath, K.J. Hedges, A.T. Fisk. 2017. Origins of the Greenland Shark (Somniosus microcephalus): impacts of Ice-olation and Introgression. Ecology and Evolution 7(19), pp.8113-8125
- *Talwar B., I.A. Bouyoucos, O. Shipley, J.L. Rummer, J.W. Mandelman, E.J. Brooks, R.D. Grubbs. 2017. Validation of a portable, waterproof blood pH analyzer for elasmobranchs. Conserv Physiol 5(1): cox012; doi:10.1093/conphys/cox012.
- *Peterson, C.H., R.D. Grubbs, A. Mickle. 2017. An investigation of effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on coastal fishes in the Florida Big Bend using fishery-independent surveys and stable isotope analysis. Southeastern Naturalist 16(1): G93-G108
- Poulakis G.R., H. Urakawa, P.W. Stevens, J.A. DeAngelo, A.A. Timmers, R.D. Grubbs, A.T. Fisk, J.A. Olin. 2017. Sympatric elasmobranchs and fecal samples provide insight into the trophic ecology of the smalltooth sawfish. Endangered Species Research. doi: 10.3354/esr00824
- Guttridge T.L., M.P.M. Van Zinnicq Bergmann, C. Bolte, L. Howey-Jordan, J.S. Finger, S.T. Kessel, J. Brooks, W. Winram, M.E. Bond, L.K.B. Jordan, R.C. Cashman, E.R. Tolentino, R.D. Grubbs, S.H. Gruber. 2017. Philopatry and regional connectivity of the great hammerhead shark, Sphyrna mokarran in the U.S and the Bahamas. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:3. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00003
- Tolentino, E.R., R.P. Howey, L.A. Howey, L.K.B. Jordan, R.D. Grubbs, A. Brooks, S. Williams, E.J. Brooks, O.N. Shipley. 2017. Was my science project eaten? A novel approach to validate consumption of marine biologging instruments. Animal Biotelemetry 5(3) DOI 10.1186/s40317-016-0117-4
- *Shipley, O.N., E.J. Brooks, D.J. Madigan, C.J. Sweeting, R.D. Grubbs. 2017. Stable isotope analysis in deep-sea chondrichthyans: recent challenges, ecological insights, and future directions. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. DOI 10.1007/s11160-017-9466-1
- *Shipley, O., B. Talwar, R.D. Grubbs, E. Brooks. 2017. Isopods present on deep-water sharks Squalus cubensis and Heptranchias perlo from The Bahamas. Marine Biodiversity. 47:789–790
- Gaither, M.R., B. Violi, H.W.I. Gray, F. Neat, J.C. Drazen, R.D. Grubbs, A. Roa-Varón, T. Sutton, A.R. Hoelzel. 2016. Depth as a driver of evolution in the deep sea: Insights from grenadiers (Gadiformes: Macrouridae) of the genus Coryphaenoides Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 104: 73-82
- Grubbs R.D., J.K. Carlson, J.G. Romine, T.H. Curtis, W.D. McElroy, C.T. McCandless, C.F. Cotton, J.A. Musick. 2016. Critical assessment and ramifications of a purported marine trophic cascade. Scientific Reports 6 Editors' Choice: Science Vol. 351, Issue 6277, pp. 1039
- *Talwar, B., E.J. Brooks, R.D. Grubbs. 2016. An assessment of post-release mortality for a commonly discarded deep-sea isopod (Bathynomus giganteus) using reflex impairment. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, p.fsw087
- *Brooks, J.L., Guttridge, T.L., Franks, B.R., Grubbs, R.D.., Chapman, D.D., Gruber, S.H., Dibattista, J.D., Feldheim, K.A. 2016. Using genetic inference to re-evaluate the minimum longevity of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris J. of Fish Biology 88): 2067-2074.
- Guttridge T.L., S.J.B. Gulak, B.R.Franks, J.K.Carlson, S.H. Gruber, K.S.Gledhill, M.E. Bond, G. Johnson, R.D. Grubbs. 2015. Occurrence and habitat use of the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) Latham, 1794 in the Bahamas. J. of Fish Biology 87, 1322–1341
- Cotton, C.F., R.D. Grubbs. 2015. Biology of Deep-Water Chondrichthyans: Introduction. Deep-Sea Research II 115: 1-10
- *Giresi, M.M., R.D. Grubbs, D.S. Portnoy, W.B. Driggers III, L. Jones, J.R. Gold. 2015. Identification and distribution of morphologically conserved smoothhound sharks (Genus Mustelus) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:1301–1310
- Papastamatiou, Y.P., R.D. Grubbs, J. Imhoff, S. Gulak, J.K. Carlson, G. Burgess. 2015. Identification of essential habitat for large juvenile and adult endangered smalltooth sawfish using multiple tagging methods. Global Ecology and Conservation 3:764-775
- *Kolmann, M.A., D.R. Huber, P.J. Motta, R.D. Grubbs. 2015. Feeding biomechanics of the cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus, over ontogeny. Journal of Anatomy. doi: 10.1111/joa.12342
- *Churchill, D.A., M.R. Heithaus, J.J. Vaudo, R.D. Grubbs, J.I. Castro. 2015. Trophic interactions of common elasmobranchs in deep-sea communities of the Gulf of Mexico revealed through stable isotope and stomach contents analysis. Deep Sea Research II. 115: 92-102
- *Churchill, D.A., M.R. Heithaus, R.D. Grubbs. 2015.,Effects of lipid and urea extraction on δ15N values of deep-sea sharks and hagfish: can mathematical correction factors be generated? Deep Sea Research II. 115: 103-108
- Cotton, C.F., R.D. Grubbs, J.E. Dyb, I. Fossen, J.A. Musick. 2015. Reproduction and embryonic development in two species of squaliform sharks, Centrophorus granulosus and Etmopterus princeps: evidence of matrotrophy? Deep Sea Research II. 115: 41-54
- Brooks, E.J., A.M. Brooks, S. Williams, L.K.B. Jordan, D. Abercrombie, D.D. Chapman, L.A. Howey-Jordan, R.D. Grubbs. 2015. F First description of deep-water elasmobranch assemblages in the Exuma sound, the Bahamas. Deep-Sea Research II. 115: 81-91
- *Hollensead, L.D., R.D. Grubbs, J.K. Carlson, D.M. Bethea. 2015. Analysis of fine-scale daily movement patterns of juvenile Pristis pectinata within a nursery habitat. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2556
- *Kolmann, M.A., D.R. Huber, M.N. Dean, R.D. Grubbs. 2014. Myological variability in a decoupled skeletal system: batoid cranial anatomy. J. of Morphology. 275(8): 862-881
- Burgess, G.H., B.D. Bruce, G.M. Cailliet, K.J. Goldman, R.D. Grubbs, C.G. Lowe, M.A. MacNeil, H.F. Mollet, J.B. O’Sullivan, K.C. Weng. 2014. A re-evaluation of the size of the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) population off California, USA. PLOS One 9(6): e98078
- Cotton, C.F., A.H. Andrews, G.M. Cailliet, R.D. Grubbs, S.B. Irvine, J.A. Musick. 2014. Assessment of radiometric dating for age validation of deep-water dogfish (Order: Squaliformes) finspines. Fisheries Research 151: 107– 113
- Carlson, J.K., S.J.B. Gulak, C.S. Simpfendorfer, R.D. Grubbs, J.G. Romine and G.H. Burgess. 2014. Habitat use and movement patterns of smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, determined using pop-up satellite archival tags. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 24: 104-117.
- Bethea, D.M., M.J. Ajemian, J.K. Carlson, E.R. Hoffmayer, J.L. Imhoff, R.D. Grubbs, C.T. Peterson, G.H. Burgess. 2014. Distribution and community structure of coastal sharks in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Env. Biol. Fish. 98(5): 1233-1254
- Portnoy, D.S., C.M. Hollenbeck, C.N. Belcher, W.B. Driggers III, B.S. Frasier, J. Gelsleichter, R.D. Grubbs, J.R. Gold. 2014. Population structure and historical genetic demography of blacknose sharks in the Western North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Molecular Ecology 23: 5480-5495
- Fisher, R.A., G.C. Call, R.D. Grubbs. 2013. Age, Growth, and Reproductive Biology of Cownose Rays in Chesapeake Bay, Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science, 5:1, 224-235
- Jennings, D.E., J.D. DiBattista, K.L. Stump, N.E. Hussey, B.R. Franks, R.D. Grubbs, S.H. Gruber. 2012. Assessment of the aquatic biodiversity of a threatened coastal lagoon at Bimini, Bahamas. Journal of Coastal Conservation 16:205-428.
- Cotton, C.F., R.D. Grubbs, T.S. Daly-Engel, P.D. Lynch, J.A. Musick. 2011. Age, growth and reproduction of Squalus cf. mitsukurii from Hawaiian waters. Marine and Freshwater Research 62: 1-12
- Fisher, R.A., G.C. Call, R.D. Grubbs. 2011. Cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) predation relative to bivalve ontogeny. J. Shellfish Research 30(1): 187-196.
- *Veríssimo, A, D. Grubbs, J. McDowell, J. Musick, D. Portnoy. 2011. Frequency of multiple paternity in the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias off the southeast the western North Atlantic. Journal of Heredity 102: 88-93
- Daly-Engel T.S., R.D. Grubbs, K.A. Feldheim, B.W. Bowen, and R.J. Toonen. 2010. Is multiple mating beneficial or unavoidable? Low multiple paternity and genetic diversity in the shortspine spurdog (Squalus mitsukurii). Marine Ecology Progress Series 403: 255-267.
- Grubbs, R.D. and J.A. Musick. 2007. Spatial delineation of summer nursery areas for juvenile sandbar sharks in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. In: C.T. McCandless, N.E. Kohler and H.L. Pratt, Jr. (editors). Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast waters of the United States. American Fisheries Society Symposium 50: 63–86.
- Grubbs, R.D., J.A. Musick, C.L. Conrath, and J.G. Romine. 2007. Long-term movements, migration, and temporal delineation of summer nurseries for juvenile sandbar sharks in the Chesapeake Bay region. In: C.T. McCandless, N.E. Kohler and H.L. Pratt, Jr. (editors). Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast waters of the United States. American Fisheries Society Symposium 50: 87–108.
- *Daly-Engel, T.S., R.D. Grubbs, B.W. Bowen and R.J. Toonen. 2007. Frequency of multiple paternity in an unexploited tropical population of sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64: 198-204.
- *Graham, B., D. Grubbs, K. Holland, and B. Popp. 2007. A rapid ontogenetic shift in the diet of juvenile yellowfin tuna from Hawai’i. Marine Biology 150: 647-658.
- *Daly-Engel, T.S., R.D. Grubbs, K.N. Holland, R.J. Toonen, B.W. Bowen. 2006. Assessment of multiple paternity in single litters from three species of carcharhinid sharks in Hawai’i. Environmental Biology of Fishes 76: 419-424.
- *Romine, J.G., R.D. Grubbs and J.A. Musick. 2006. Age and growth of the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in Hawaiian waters through vertebral analysis. Environmental Biology of Fishes 77: 229-239.
- Burgess, G.H., L.R. Beerkircher, G.M. Cailliet, J.K. Carlson, E. Cortés, K.J. Goldman, R.D. Grubbs, J.A. Musick, M.K. Musyl, and C.A. Simpfendorfer. 2005. The decline of shark populations in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico: Fact or Fiction? Fisheries 30 (10): 19-26.
- Burgess, G.H., L.R. Beerkircher, G.M. Cailliet, J.K. Carlson, E. Cortés, K.J. Goldman, R.D. Grubbs, J.A. Musick, M.K. Musyl, and C.A. Simpfendorfer. 2005. Reply to "Robust estimates of decline for pelagic shark populations in the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico" Fisheries 30 (10): 30-31.
Book Chapters - Peer-reviewed
Finucci, B., C.F. Cotton, R.D. Grubbs, K.K. Bineesh, T. Moura. 2022. Chapter 19: Deepwater Chondrichthyans. In J.C. Carrier, C.A. Simpfendorfer, M.R. Heithaus, K.E. Yopak (eds.) Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives: III. Taylor & Francis group, LLC.
Grubbs, R.D., R.T. Kraus. 2019. Fish Migration. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2nd Edition. Choe, J.C. (ed.), Elsevier, Academic Press. Vol 3: 553-563.
Grubbs, R.D., R.T. Kraus. 2019. Fish Migration. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2nd Edition. Nicholls M and Greetal C eds, Academic Press, Oxford. Vol 1: 715-724.
Grubbs, R.D., R.T. Kraus. 2017. Fish Migration, In Reference Module in Life Sciences, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-809633-8,
- Grubbs, R.D., R.T. Kraus. 2010. Migrations in Fishes. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. Breed, M. D. & Moore, J. eds, Academic Press, Oxford. Vol 1: 715-724.
- Grubbs, R.D. 2010 Chapter 7. Ontogenetic Shifts in Movements and Habitat Use. In Carrier JF, Musick JA, Heithaus MR (eds.). Sharks and Their Relatives II: Biodiversity, Adaptive Physiology, and Conservation, CRC Press, New York, New York, USA. pp. 319-350.
- Holland, K.N., R.D. Grubbs. 2007. Chapter 10: Fish Visitors to Seamounts Section A: Tunas and Billfish. Pp. 189-207. In: T. Pitcher, T. Morato, P. Hart, M. Clark, N. Haggan and R. Santos, (eds). Seamounts: Ecology, Fisheries & Conservation. Blackwell Publishing: Fish and Aquatic Resources Series 12. Oxford.
Abel, D.C., R.D. Grubbs. 2020. Shark Biology and Conservation: Essential Information for Enthusiasts, Educators, Naturalists, and Students. Johns Hopkins University Press. 430 pp. ISBN: 9781421438368