News at FSUCML

Gregg Stanton, FSU's Founding Diving Safety Officer

Florida State University’s first and longest-tenured Diving Safety Officer, Gregg R. Stanton, passed away earlier this month at the age of 76.  Gregg trained in the Scientist in the Sea Program (SITS) under the tutelage of the U.S. Navy Captain George F. Bond, M.D., the father of saturation diving, before bringing his experience and ambition to FSU. Upon arriving at FSU, he developed the Academic Diving Program.

Spring 2024 Graduates - Aaron Ridall and Armando Barsante Santos

Spring brings many things to the Tallahassee area – gorgeous blooms, mild weather, and Florida State University’s commencement weekend! Two exceptional students, Aaron Ridall, now newly minted as Dr. Ridall, and Armando Barsante Santos, also newly minted as Dr. Barsante Santos, have successfully defended their doctoral dissertations and will walk the stage this weekend! The FSUCML is so proud of Aaron and Armando, and we cannot wait to watch them continue to have a positive impact on the future of marine science. Congratulations, Aaron, and Armando!

10 Years of Post-Oil Spill Science

Dr. Sandra Brooke, Dr. Josh Breithaupt, and Dr. Dean Grubbs were among the many scientists who contributed to the "Results and Impacts of the First Decade of the Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program" report. This report covers a variety of fields and projects within Florida in the aftermath of the BP Horizon Oil Spill.

2023 Matt Beard Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to our 2023 Matt Beard Scholarship Recipients - Adin Nahoa Domen and Rachael Best! This award is given in memory of Matthew Beard, an FSU student who intended to make the conservation of corals his life's work. The award is given by the FSUCML, with advice from the FSU Diving Control Board, to the student who best embodies all that Matt exemplified as a student of marine science and as a member of the FSU scientific diving community.

Grubbs Lab in the FL Keys

Last month, members of the Grubbs lab traveled to the Florida Keys to look for smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata), in collaboration with Bimini Biological Field Station. This trip was one of many routine sampling trips made by Grubbs lab members multiple times per year to monitor the presence of one of Florida’s Critically Endangered species in the Florida Keys and Everglades National Park.

An Un-FORE-gettable time at the Second Annual Play for the Bay Benefit Golf Tournament

The Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory and St. James Bay Golf and Pickleball Resort had another successful Play for the Bay Benefit Golf Tournament on Friday, October 13th. Fourteen sponsors and twenty-seven teams helped raise over $22,000 for FSUCML graduate students.

Dead but Not Forgotten - Corals

FSUCML alumna, Dr. Abbey Engleman, recently published a paper, "Dead but not forgotten: complexity of Acropora palmata colonies increases with greater composition of dead coral" in PeerJ! Dr. Engleman was actually Dr. Sandra Brooke's first Ph.D. student at FSUCML! Dr. Brooke is a co-author of this research as well.