Dr. Betsy Mansfield

Postdoctoral Researcher

Coastal & Marine Laboratory | 3618 Coastal Highway 98
St. Teresa, FL  32358
(850) 645-3497

Curriculum vitae


Research and Professional Interests

I am broadly interested in social-ecological systems, small-scale fisheries interactions, and the intersection of local ecological knowledge and scientific inquiry. Through interdisciplinary approaches I evaluate resilience, perceptions, and sustainability of small-scale fishing efforts from multiple lenses. I am passionate about community-based and cooperative approaches to management and policy development. Additionally, I am enthusiastic about outreach and education and aim to promote broad accessibility to science of all different age groups. 


Ph.D. Biology, Stanford University (2022)
B.S.   Biology -- concentration in Marine Biology, Duke University (2016)

Research Areas & Interests

Socio-ecological systems, Small-scale fisheries, Community-based approaches, Local ecological knowledge, Interdisciplinary approaches, Sustainability

Professional Profiles

ORCID  GoogleScholar 

Last Updated: Monday, March 27, 2023 at 2:00 PM