FWC Oyster Reef Restoration at FSUCML
FWC & FSUCML team up to test the efficacy of using eco-friendly, biodegradable oyster reef restoration material
This project is complete and we are no longer seeking volunteers. Stay tuned for new opportunities.
The Aquatic Habitat Conservation and Restoration Program of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory (FSUCML) teamed up to conduct research on eco-friendly, biodegradable oyster reef restoration materials. These materials are designed to help restore northwest Florida’s oyster reef habitat and to create new living shorelines structures that help protect coastal property.
On April 11 FWC and FSUCML staff were assisted by volunteers transporting materials from a storage pile to a transport FWC airboat, then off-loading the materials from the airboat onto intertidal oyster reef habitat. Materials included biodegradable coir (coconut fiber) oyster shell bags and fossilized oyster rock. These materials are being tested to determine which material is the best for spat (young oysters) recruitment/growth and to find a way of reducing plastic in the marine environment.

Getting Materials in Order
Loading up the airboat and everyone working together seamlessly to get the job done.

Wrapping up the day
Kent Smith (FWC), at the helm, and Dan Overlin (FSUCML) give thumbs up to a job well done
Many thanks to the folks who volunteered their time to help FWC and FSUCML staff with this important restoration project. We could not have done this without your help. This is just the first of many field days with this project that we will need volunteers. So watch our web sites for future volunteer opportunities.