Introduction to Scientific Diving
The Introduction to Scientific Diving course trains FSU faculty, staff and students to conduct underwater research in accordance with the standards of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS).
Course Description
Participants in this course learn to safely and effectively use diving as a tool to conduct underwater research, while completing a rigorous training curriculum including in-water rescue procedures, small boat dive operations, and underwater survey techniques. Academic subjects include diving physics, physiology, decompression theory and accident management.
This is a credit course designed for personnel with research applications. Instructor permission is required. FSU faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate students working on Sponsored Research projects will be given priority. The course curriculum will include certifications for Emergency First Responder, PADI Advanced Open Water, and Emergency Oxygen Provider. The successful Scientific-Diver-in-Training will conclude the workshop with FSU/AAUS Scientific Diving Authorization.
Lab Fee - $1000. This covers the costs of all equipment, texts, and certification fees.
Acceptance into the program is determined by a subcommittee of the Diving Control Board, and is based largely on answers to questions on the application. Priority will be give to those with certification of scientific need by the applicant's supervisor, academic advisor, or major professor.
Questions? Contact the Diving Safety Officer directly at fsucml-dso@fsu.edu or by calling (850) 645-3471.
SPRING 2025 - January 8 through May 7
Session |
Day | Time | Location |
Class | Wednesday | 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM | Seminole Golf Club, Room GCC 203A |
Pool | Wednesday | 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Morcom Aquatic Center, 2560 Pottsdamer St. |
Field | Weekends TBD | All Day |
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