
FSU Researchers See Encouraging Sign Needed For Rebound Of Apalachicola Bay's Wild Oysters

A group of Florida State University researchers is studying Apalachicola Bay's declining ecosystem and oyster reefs. They're called the Apalachicola Bay System Initiative. Earlier this year, the group put oyster shells and limestone into the Bay's waters as part of an experiment. Sandra Brooke is the Initiative's Principal Investigator. She says the experiment is showing a promising sign—baby oysters are settling all over the materials they've set out.

10 Strategies for Restoring Florida's Apalachicola Bay and its Oysters

Scientists with the Apalachicola Bay System Initiative, formed under the guidance of Florida State University, are conducting research to identify the best options for improving the bay’s health and developing strategies to restore oyster fishing. The initiative involves commercial seafood harvesters and dealers, recreational guides and anglers, aquaculture business owners, and representatives from state natural resource agencies, businesses, local governments, and nongovernmental organizations such as The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Spawning Season

The Apalachicola Bay System Initiative (ABSI) hatchery team has had a busy spring and summer! The hatchery staff, Shannon Kirk (technician), Joe Rocco (manager), and interns Morgan Hawkins and Benton Jaco have successfully completed ABSI’s first oyster spawning and setting.

FSU Researchers Testing What Works In Oyster Recovery Efforts In Apalachicola Bay

“So we are out here at Peanut Ridge, which is a reef in Apalachicola Bay.” Chris Matechik with the FSU Coastal and Marine Lab is driving a boat around experimental oyster plots marked by color-coded stakes. Oyster boats are pulling up between green-flagged stakes and dumping bins of rocks into the water...."We are conducting a series of restoration experiments, and so what we are doing is testing three different materials that might be useful for restoration on a larger scale."

ABSI Oyster Reef Restoration Experiment May 26-27, 2021

The FSU Apalachicola Bay System Initiative (ABSI) is in the process of deploying oyster reef restoration experiments in Apalachicola Bay in two locations: Dry Bar in the western part of the Bay, and Peanut Ridge in the east.  The objective of these experiments is to test the effectiveness and stability of three different materials; natural shell and two sizes of limestone rock. Over the past two days, the ABSI team has been working with local oystermen to deploy oyster shell and small limestone rock at Peanut Ridge.  Next weekend, they will launch from Apalachicola to deploy these same materials at Dry Bar.