The 63-ft (LOA) R/V APALACHEE is the flagship of the FSUCML fleet. Named after the Apalachee Indian tribe that lived in the Florida Panhandle for thousands of years, she is designed to work in coastal and offshore waters, allowing scientists and students to conduct research on the ocean's biological, chemical, geological and physical characteristics.
Take a tour of the R/V Apalachee with Captain Matt Edwards!
The ship can provide bunk space for six scientists and both wet and dry laboratories. The R/V Apalachee also serves as an excellent diving platform.
To reserve the R/V APALACHEE, please check the cruise calendar for availability before submitting a reservation form1. Once you have an approved reservation, you will be asked to submit a cruise plan. Be sure to include transit time to study sites. Before departing on any cruise, read the cruise manual and submit completed cruise questionnaire, waivers, and scientific party forms.
For more information, please contact Matt Edwards, Boat Captain, at medwards5@fsu.edu or at 850 - 645 - 3470.
1If you need dorm or research space dockside before or after your cruise, you can reserve that space at the same time that you reserve the research vessel.