Josh And Student From Taylor County Elementary 2020 Copy

Outreach and Education

Community Engagement plays a key role in increasing our connection to the natural world. An important goal is to help people of all ages and all walks of life understand, appreciate, and support scientific endeavors.

Teachers and Educators: Book a field trip to FSUCML!

Vehicles for discussing critically important and current marine-related topics include our lecture series, workshops that explore the connections between art and science, and special events like the Biennial Open House.

Our Citizen Science Programs are also an important part of the FSUCML vision to engage the public in science and nature while protecting the rich biodiversity surrounding the lab. We developed these programs with the idea that they would be both fun and educational for volunteers and useful to FSU Coastal & Marine Laboratory scientists and staff. Please read about our active and upcoming projects below.

We also offer short non-credit nature workshops like the Edge of the Sea for all ages and let you know about credit courses that are taught by our faculty, typically for upper level undergraduates and beginning graduate students.

Conservation Lecture Series

Our Conservation Lecture Series helps FSUCML reach out to the community to enhance global coastal & marine literacy in Florida. 

Tidings Newsletters

Check out the latest research and outreach highlights from the faculty, post docs, grad students, and undergraduate students of FSUCML.


We encourage members of the community to let out their inner scientist and volunteer to help us restore and protect the wonderful habitats in which we are all embedded.

Special Events

Special Events are open to the public and occur every other year -- such as the ever popular Open House.  Learn more here.

Nature Workshops

Our Coastal Nature Workshop Series provides participants of all ages with exciting opportunities to learn while having fun in a relaxed and biologically diverse setting.

Saturday-at-the-Sea (SATS)

Through the SATS program, the students are introduced to the rich variety of marine creatures of the Gulf of America by hands-on experience and study.

Last Updated: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 1:02 PM