Field Equipment for FSUCML Users
The FSUCML maintains field instrumentation and capture gear, from cameras and YSI meters to tanks, fish traps, and trawls.
Gear listed below can be checked out by FSUCML users. Users will need to demonstrate proficiency with gear of interest. Some equipment will require dedicated FSUCML operator (e.g., CTD and ROV). Some fees apply. Please send request for field equipment use to Marine Technician at fsucml@fsu.edu or 850-645-3474.
- Dredge, Benthic Scrape – 91.4 cm x 55.8 cm
- Dredge, bucket - 1.0-m x 0.5-m
- Dredge, rock - 1.3-m x 0.6-m
- Sediment Grab, Van Veen (2) – 30.5 cm x 30.5 cm
- Sediment Grab, Eckman box corer (6in cubed)
- Trawl net, Otter - 6.1-m with aluminum doors (76.2 cm x 53.3 cm)
- Trawl net, Otter (3) - 6.1-m with wooden doors (45.7 cm x 30.5 cm)
- Various size dip nets
- Roller frame push nets (3)
- GPS Handheld - 2 - Garmin 78sc
- ROV, Seamor 300T - Depth Rating 300-m, Speed 3 Knots (Requires dedicated FSU operator). View more information.
- Plastic
- Black Cylindrical “Cattle” Tanks - 2 - 0.6-m H x 1.3-m Dia. (700L); 1 (w/lid) - 1.0-m H x 1.0-m Dia. (380L); 2 - 0.7-m H x 0.6-m Dia. (150L)
- White Cube Flow-Thru Tanks - 2 - 0.46-m L x 0.5-m W x 0.46-m H (115L)
- Semitransparent Large Cylindrical Tanks - 4 - 1.22-m H x 0.79-m Dia. (570L)
- Blue Conical Bottom Barrel - 1- 1.35-m H x 0.6-m Dia. (230L)
- Fiberglass
- Brown Large Cylindrical Tanks - 6 - 0.9-m H x 1.83-m Dia. (2300L)
- White Flow-Thru Coffin Style Tanks - 12 - 1.23-m L x 0.5-m W x 0.46-m H (230L)
- White Small Conical Tanks - 4 - 0.76-m H x 0.9-m Dia. (115L)
- Large Chevron Traps - 23 - 1.8-m L x 1.5-m W x 0.6-m D - opening 51 cm x 15 cm at widest point.
- Small Chevron Traps - 5 - 0.9-m L x 0.76-m W x 0.3-m D - opening 20 cm x 13 cm at widest point.
- Small Square fish traps - 8 - 0.6-m L x 0.6-m W x 0.4-m H - opening 8 cm x 13 cm at widest point.
- Small Rectangular fish traps - 3 - 0.9-m L x 0.3-m W x 0.3-m H - opening 5 cm x 5 cm.
- Cylindrical fish traps - 5 - 0.6-m L x 0.36-m Dia.
- Plastic Stone Crab Traps - 11 - 0.4-m L x 0.4-m W x 0.3-m H
- CTD, Seabird SBE 19V2 - instrumented with conductivity, temperature and depth sensors and a carousel equipped with twelve 5-liter Niskin water sampling bottles. Dedicated hydro-electric winch and 1000-m of cable. (Requires dedicated FSU operator). View more information.
- YSI Pro 30 Handheld (2) - temperature, salinity, conductivity, and specific conductance.
- HT-2000 Battery Backpack Electrofisher
- Ultima 45° Spotting Scope (20x-60x zoom) with phone attaching device
Last Updated: Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 6:42 PM