FSUCML Graduate Student Research Fund
This scholarship supports FSU graduate students who use the FSUCML as a base for conducting their research. The scholarship selection process is based on the quality of the cover letter, quality of the proposal, a clearly defined budget and budget justification, and a clear description of the applicant's need for FSUCML facilities.
Funding: The maximum request considered is $2,500. Funds are limited, so if you request more than $1,000, please provide an explanation of what you can accomplish if only $1,000 is awarded to you.
Application Deadline: Applications are due on the third Friday of March each year.
Application Criteria:
- Cover letter - (1 Page) briefly describing the research project and clearly defining how the FSUCML facilities will be used (e.g., diving support, laboratory space, dorm use, experimental set up). Boat rental is covered by application to the Graduate Research Boating Access Fund.
- Proposal
- Title (short and clear to non-scientists)
- A concise research statement (2-3 Pages—excluding tables, figures, references) that includes an introduction clearly stating the conceptual background for the research and the questions being addressed; a list of objectives; methods; preliminary or anticipated results and their significance to the body of science
- Budget and budget justification - (1 Page) identify the type and cost of each budget item; include here the statement of need (i.e., why this scholarship and why funding is not available elsewhere)
- A curriculum vitae (include name of advisor) - (1-2 Pages) - include your educational history, research experience, publications (including ‘gray literature’ contributions); and presentations (including oral presentations, posters, and those presented by co-authors).
- Please merge all documents into a single pdf file and submit to Dr. Joel Trexler (jtrexler@fsu.edu)
Eligible Applicants:
- Must be currently enrolled as a full-time student at Florida State University.
- Must be use the FSUCML as a base to conduct research
- NOTE: Awarded funds that are not expended before March 1 of the year after the award is made will be swept back into the lab budget to be awarded in the new year. Masters students are eligible for awards no more than twice during their degree program; Ph. D. students are eligible for awards no more than three times.
About Our Students
Last Updated: Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 11:21 AM