Grubbs Laboratory in the News

Grubbs Receives Prestigious Award for Graduate Student Mentoring

Dr. Dean Grubbs, a faculty member at the Florida State University Coastal & Marine Laboratory, has been awarded one of FSU’s prestigious Graduate Faculty Mentor Awards. Nominated by graduate students, faculty members are selected for this award based on their dedication to graduate students and commitment to excellence in graduate education and mentoring, thus ultimately helping to contribute to the quality of life and professional development of graduate students at FSU.

New Book Co-Authored by Dr. Grubbs Sets Release Date

FSUCML's Dr. Dean Grubbs co-authored a book with Dr. Daniel Abel from Coastal Carolina University. The book is set to Sept. 2020, is titled " Shark Biology and Conservation: Essential Information for Enthusiasts, Educators, Naturalists and Students" -(And anyone else fascinated by these magnificent beasts). Elise Pullen, MSc, also from Coastal Carolina University, created the scientific illustrations for the book with Marc Dando.

10 Years Later - FSU Experts Available to Comment on Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Ten years ago, an estimated 200 million gallons of oil flowed into the Gulf of Mexico from a damaged well below the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig. Scientists and first responders scrambled to predict where the released oil would go and how it would affect the circulation, ecology and biogeochemistry of the Gulf. FSU researchers, including FSUCML's own Dr. Grubbs, were at the forefront of that effort, attracting millions in research dollars to conduct thorough investigations into the crisis and its aftermath.

OceanX Releases Sixgill Shark Documentary

Hundreds of meters below the surface lurks a predator older than the dinosaurs and bigger on average than the great white. This is the story of a group of scientists who came together to achieve the unthinkable: tagging the cryptic bluntnose sixgill #shark in its natural environment using a submarine. This is a product of One Big Wave, produced by #OceanX in partnership with the Moore Charitable Foundation and the Bloomberg Philanthropies Vibrant Oceans Initiative. Research by the Cape Eleuthera Institute and Florida State University Coastal & Marine Lab.

New Deep-Water Dog Fish Shark Discovery

Dogfish sharks of the genus Squalus are small, deep-water sharks with a slow rate of molecular evolution that has led to their designation as a series of species complexes, with low between-species variety rela­tive to other taxa. The largest of these complexes is named for the Shortspine spurdog (Squalus mitsukurii Jordan & Snyder), a medium-sized dogfish shark common to warm upper slope and seamount habitats, with a putative circumglobal distribution that has come under investigation recently due to geographic variation in morphology and genetic characteristics.