News at FSUCML

Researchers Discover Critical Clue in the Mystery of Sawfish Mating

For the first time in 17 years of Florida-based research, scientists have discovered a mating ground for the Endangered smalltooth sawfish. During an expedition early April to the shallow-water back-country of Everglades National Park, a research team captured, tagged, and released three adult sawfish (one male and two females) in an area previously known almost exclusively as juvenile sawfish habitat. All three had distinctive lacerations, apparently sustained during mating, that match the pattern of teeth on the animals’ saw-like snouts.

FSUCML scores another scientific first: Dr. Dean Grubbs and colleagues document and assist pregnant sawfish give birth in the wild

Dr. Grubbs described the experience as "the biggest day of my research career!" His team captured a female sawfish who started giving birth. This is the first time a live sawfish birth has been documented in the wild.

Lecture by Dr. Bob Steneck on "The Eastern Caribbean: a laboratory for studying the resilience and management of coral reefs"

Dr. Bob Steneck (Univ. of Maine) has studied Eastern Caribbean coral reefs and how local management of natural areas has had a strong positive effect on them, facilitating their recovery and improving their resilience.

A Tribute to Robert Treat Paine (1933-2016)

A graduate student from the University of Michigan arrived at the Florida State University Oceanographic Institute in 1958 (thanks to a travel grant from the Lerner Research Fellowship) with few funds, no boat, and no place to live. The director of the lab, Dr. Harold Humm, welcomed him to free lodging and a free boat to do what he was clearly prepared to do – study the ecology, range, and habitat of brachiopods and delve into the complex food web and predator-prey interactions of a diverse array of carnivorous snails. So started Bob Paine’s association with FSU.