News at FSUCML

Bay Scallop Season 2015

It’s bay scallop season along Florida’s Gulf coast from June 27-September 24. So we thought it was time for you to learn something about these little blue-eyed critters you’re trying to find in the seagrass beds.

K-Tower Data Gives Clues to Coral Growth

The K-Tower monitoring system plays an important role to researchers and others in academia. Dr. Sandra Brooke, FSUCML faculty, is currently studying coral growth and reproduction in the Florida Panhandle. This region has a more variable and extreme environment than areas such as the Florida Keys, where the same species of coral occur. Dr. Brooke hopes to determine how temperature affects coral growth rates.

Marine lab faculty showcase deep sea chondrichthyan research

Although approximately half of the world’s known chondrichthyans (sharks, skates, rays, and chimaeras) live in the deep sea, very little is known about these elusive animals. Thus, these species may be vulnerable as global fisheries continue to expand while research is often lacking to document the biology and life history of these fishes.

FSUCML and WeatherSTEM Foster STEM Learning in Franklin County

When Ed Mansouri was just 6 years old, he developed a fascination with weather. Still an unabashed meteorology enthusiast, Mr. Mansouri, CEO and Founder of UCOMPASS, a Tallahassee-based company that pioneers education technology, went on to develop the WeatherSTEM, which integrates weather stations, collected and distributed atmospheric data, and STEM-based education.

Protecting Coral Communities

Normalized relations with Cuba could lead to clues to protecting our coral reefs. Through open collaboration with Cuban scientists and study of their healthy reefs, researchers could find answers to these questions and make strides in restoring marine habitats closer to home.