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Subcommittees of the ABSI Community Advisory Board

Outreach Subcommittee

The charge of this subcommittee is:

  • To work with ABSI leadership to inform the public of who we are and what we are doing.
  • To create outreach & community engagement strategies that attract stakeholders and the general public to actively inform the public about the Apalachicola Bay System Initiative’s goals and actions.
  • To measure the effectiveness of these strategies through direct participation in achieving actions, as well as web analytics and media stories

Members: Georgia Ackerman, Cameron Baxley, Sandra Brooke, Jared Fuqua, Anita Grove, Chad Hanson, Maddie Mahood, Betsy Mansfield, and Devin Resko

Successor Subcommittee

The Community Advisory Board will change to a permanent Successor Committee fall 2023. The Successor Committee will work to oversee the long term implementation of the Apalachicola Bay System Ecosystem-Based Adaptive Management & Restoration Plan. The committee will be composed of local leaders, the seafood industry representatives, state agencies, businesses, and others. It will evaluate regulatory and enforcement processes, reestablish the cultch program, monitor current restoration experiments, and work to protect and highlight the local community's culture and heritage.

It will be accountable to decision-makers and the public for the actions laid out in the management plan and restoration plan.

Members:  Anita Grove & Shannon Hartsfield (Co-chairs), Ottice Amison, Steve Rash, Chad Taylor, Chad Hanson, Devin Resko